Group Fitness Classes and Courses Christchurch
Looking to join an exercise class in Christchurch?
These exercise classes bring together people from all walks of life to train in a friendly environment in my private studio gym near central Christchurch. In these fitness classes I help build your confidence in not only movement, balance and flexibility but also to gain an understanding of how correct movement impacts health and wellness.
I think I'm one of the unique personal trainers in Christchurch, not only over 50 myself, have a small private gym and I find the best way for people to have fun while getting fit in small group classes.
Group Fitness Classes is a great way to improve your health
These classes in Christchurch are for all fitness levels, whether you are a beginner or a frequent exerciser these could be a solution for your fitness journey.
During these exercise classes we use tried and proven fun exercise movements that make you stronger without the realisation you are exercising, improve flexibility, coordination, and balance. Training with like minded people can help motivate and make new friends.
Charlie the Personal Trainer understands people have limitations and can adapt movements or exercises to fit your ability.
These small exercise classes allows the trainer ensure your are performing the movements correctly to reduce any injuries by incorrect technique.
Stretching is also an important part of any exercise routine in both the warm up phase and cool down phase, knowing which type of stretching to do is vital to your performance you are training for.
Women Fitness Classes
Circuit training for the whole body in Christchurch
work at your own pace
train with like minded people
Come alone or bring a friend
train weekly
This exercise class will be a continuous throughout the year, simply pay for the class in 4 week blocks.

Women's Exercise group for over 50's in Christchurch
Practice: stretch, strength & flexibility
These classes are unique and ideal for a whole body workout, they cater for all levels of fitness.
Whether you are new to this type of training or someone who is competent in exercising then this class is ideal.
We use a combination of body weight and also a range of equipment to assist or challenge your movement patterns, whether its the physical body or your mental agility to test coordination.
This exercise class aims to improve your current fitness and overall well being through your ability to move.
"I like being shown an alternative way of doing an exercise as it makes me feel I have achieved something"
Balance classes in Christchurch and Leithfield Beach
Balance is an essential element to everyday health and wellbeing for all ages.
The Rock-it Board uses low impact movements in a fun way of helping to improve your balance, core strength, lower body muscle groups, and flexibility.
You will be amazed how soothing the rocking motion can be and you'll feel your muscles working without building up a sweat, but still have the opportunity to challenge yourself using light weights, resistance bands, practice yoga poses, and experiencing Tai Chi movements to help with coordination and the rhythmic rocking movement of the board.​.
"I feel safe and not being judged when I'm exercising in Charlie's place"
Nordic Walking Class
When performed correctly Nordic Walking:
activates 90% of the body's muscles
strengthens and tones upper back, shoulders and arms
develops core stability and strength
improve co-ordination and balance
promotes an upright and improved walking posture
releases pain and tension in the neck and shoulders

Nordic Walking Class in Christchurch
Christchurch is a great place to learn Nordic Walking with all the green space available close to the central city.
Nordic Walking is a form of fitness walking using specially designed poles and a learned technique to produce a low impact, high results, total body workout.
The pushing action of the poles serve as a resistance exercise for the upper body, thus Nordic Walking increases cardio output, burns more calories and activates more muscles compared to normal walking.
Originating from Scandinavia and the sport of cross country skiing.
Weight Loss
The Individual sessions are 8 or 12 sessions long.
We work together to overcome those hurdles and figure out ways to achieve results.
The addition of increasing your daily physical activity to a manageable level.
Monitoring your daily intake of food, water and exercise with a weekly journal
Rope Flow
People of all ages and fitness levels can do this.
Rope flow lets you use your full range of motion to improve coordination, balance, endurance, and flexibility.
It involves moving your weighted rope in different patterns for fitness, stress relief, recovery.
What are the principles of Rope Flow
Using patterns based in figure 8 hand movements, and rotation of the upper body, you roll the rope around you as opposed to jumping through it.
This teaches your body to dynamically unify the force production from the floor to your hands through both upper and lower limbs, as well as left and right sides.

Rope Flow in Christchurch
A new fitness trend that is fast gaining traction in the fitness industry. I use Rope Flow in my studio to help people move efficiently.
It is part jump rope, part dancing
and is a great mobility exercise that promotes rhythm, timing, and coordination between the left and right brain.
Tai Chi movement Class
uses aspects of Tai Chi to help with co-ordination as you rock.
moves adapted to the rocking motion of the boards.
They stimulate the brain so that it encourages you to use your non dominant side as well.
The grace and flow go well with the board.

if you are interested please contact Charlie
Tai Chi movement Class
This class will only be running only if the demand is there.
They can still be run on a One On One basis
Brain and Balance
learn techniques to switch on your brain through everyday movements
integrate movement and balance with coordination
Fun exercises that will include everyday equipment you may have around the home
Emphasis on focus, concentration, and memory through movement

if you are interested please contact Charlie
Brain Integration Class
This class will only be running only if the demand is there.
They can still be run on a One On One basis