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Fitness Studio


Friendly studio, no mirrors, no judgements


 I have a private fitness gym 


  • If you find exercising difficult to get started or

  • prefer that no-one can judge you, nor

  • comment or notice how you look AND no mirror on the wall.


I have fun equipment to use in the studio:


Rockit Boards

Hula Hoops

Swiss Ball

Resistance Bands

Nordic Walking Poles

Yoga mats, straps and blocks and more.........



Having spoken to friends, both men and women I'm not alone in thinking we all need to move more, we realise that to be fit and healthy when we are the age of our parents, now is the time for action.


My lovely wife will kick me out of bed to go for a cycle ride, which I really enjoy, as I'm not to good at self-motivating and I even mutter early in the morning "I'll go tomorrow".


Jean, my wife, will also admit that she needs to go to yoga or Zumba more often and as she works with chronic pain and anxiety on a daily basis she can fully argue the case for regular exercise.


The answer is to make my work my exercise and I want you to join me.


 So Here's the Fitness Plan!

Next - Primary Movements


Primary Movements is the key to healthy life and movement, this is being able to do everyday movements easily and without any aches, strains or pain.


At my place I have equipment, such as resistance bands, free weights showing that exercises are "holistic", using the whole of your body to teach the muscles to work together in harmony for strength, flexibility and balance.


Finally - ongoing support from your coach


You are not on your own - my wife tells me I'm great at nagging - so I'll be keeping in touch with you outside your training times, helping to improve your NEAT (that's the energy you burn with everyday movement) and to help you find or rediscover activities outside the studio that you enjoy and bring more regular exercise into your daily life. 

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